Chinchilla Food: A Guide Towards Health And Longevity

Chinchilla food

Are you curious about what to feed your pet chinchilla? Look no further than this guide because we will provide comprehensive details about the dos and don’ts of chinchilla food. These furry rodents are considered herbivorous animals that depend primarily on grasses and plants. The Chinchilla food should contain high amounts of fiber and protein, while it should be low in carbohydrates and water. An estimated amount of their nutritious requirements involve:

  • Carbohydrates 35%
  • Protein 15%
  • Fiber 30%
  • Sugar 4%
  • Fat Less than 3%

These are the balanced and nutritious dietary requirements of these little companions that you should give them for good health and longevity. Let’s go further and understand the type of chinchilla food.

Why is The Nutritious Diet Essential For Your Chinchilla?

These adorable little rodents are native to Andes Mountain in South America, where the environment is dry and infertile. Because of the scarcity of food, they spend most of their time foraging. In their natural habitat, chinchilla food includes grasses, twigs, and leaves. 

So, it is essential to feed the pet chinchillas the same food as their wild counterparts but be aware of the quantity. To maintain their teeth and gut health, it is advised to give them a fibrous diet along with chewy items that will help to wear down their overgrown teeth. Providing them with hay ensures their gut movement and the health of their digestive system.

Chinchilla Food Options

In their natural habitat, these rodents minimize the risk of irregular tooth growth and misalignment by chewing the bark of trees. While in captivity, if their diet has fiber deficiency, it would cause overgrown teeth and disruption in digestion. Let’s unveil the common query most people have about what food chinchillas can eat. 

Chinchilla food must be low in fats but high in fiber; otherwise, it could lead to health issues like liver damage. It is essential to regulate the quantity of chinchilla food you are giving to prevent obesity and health issues.  The food you can give to these rodents are given below.

Hay Chinchilla Pellets
Alfalfa(Small Amount)
Avocado (Small Amount)

Hay: It is considered as the main part of their diet. Therefore, a constant supply of hay should be provided to them. Low-calcium and high-fiber grass hay, such as Timothy, Orchard, Oat, and Meadow hay, is best for them. Prevent excessive amounts of Alfalfa hay because it is high in calcium and could cause kidney problems.

Freshwater: It is essential to provide your furry fellow with easy access to fresh water. Make sure the water you are giving is clean, and change the water regularly to protect your little companion from any health issues. 

Pellets: It is advised to give your furry fellow at least 2 tablespoons of pellets along with the hay. Be aware of the number of pellets you are giving them. Feeding excessive amounts of pellets could lead to dental problems and obesity. 

Chinchilla treats: Ensure a long-lasting bond with your adorable rodent by giving them a safer treat. Dried herbs, fresh and dried fruits, and wooden chews are considered as their safer treat. 

The dried herbs that you can give them include roots of dandelion, hibiscus, strawberry, and rosemary. Meanwhile, wooden chews include ash, bamboo, pine, willow, and apple sticks. It is safe to give them dried fruits like bananas, apples, and pineapple. Giving them fresh fruits like pears, apples, and strawberries in limited quantities would not cause any harm to them.

What Foods are Bad for Chinchillas?

There are some chinchilla foods that experts recommend not to give them. 

  • Nuts
  • Broccoli 
  • Spinach
  • Rhubarb leaves
  • Sunflower seeds 
  • Nuts
  • Corn
  • Peas
  • Asparagus
Chinchilla food options

What are Chinchillas' Favorite Fruits?

The answer to most people’s query: Can chinchillas eat fruits? These rodents really love the occasional treats that their owners give them. Some common treats of fruits that they love to eat involve raisins, dried cranberries, and apples. The bark of fruit trees like apple sticks, pears, and peaches should also be given to them. Besides this, most of the owners of these pets have a question: Can chinchillas eat bananas? It is undeniable that these rodents really like to eat grapes and bananas. But these fruits have a really high sugar content, which can disturb their digestion. Therefore, it is recommended that they are not given these fruits.

Can Chinchillas Eat Rabbit Food?

The dietary requirements of both rabbits and chinchillas are different from each other. So, it is not a good idea to give your little companion the same food that rabbits eat. Some researchers say that high-quality rabbit food is good for these rodents, but there is no confirmation. So, it is better to refrain from feeding your little rodent rabbit food.

Wrapping Up!

At the end of the blog, it is essential to know that chinchilla food with a proper nutritious diet is directly related to the weight and health of these rodents. Always make sure the food you are giving to your little fellow has an adequate amount of fiber. You can provide them with hay, carrots, apples, pellets, kale, pellets, seeds, and celery. Timothy, orchard, oat, and meadow hay are recommended for these rodents. 

Remember to give them wooden chews that will help to maintain their teeth health. Avoid giving them Nuts, Broccoli, Spinach, Rhubarb leaves, and Sunflower seeds. It is fine to provide them with a slice of apple, but avoid giving them rabbit food because it could have serious health concerns.


Can chinchillas eat eggs?

Mostly, they eat vegetation like grass, seeds, and hay, but they do eat eggs of birds and insects whenever they get a chance.

Can chinchillas eat apples?

Yes, they can eat apples, but in small quantities.

What do chinchillas drink?

They drink water; therefore, make sure your little fellow has easy access to fresh drinking water.

Can chinchillas eat meat?

No, they can’t eat meat because they are herbivores, which means they depend on plants to fulfill their nutritional requirements. Eating meat could severely affect their health.

What are chinchillas eaten by?

They are eaten by snakes, canines, felines, and birds of prey.

Do chinchillas eat veg?

Yes. They eat vegetables, including potatoes, carrots, kale, alfalfa, and celery.

What do newborn chinchillas eat?

They depend on their mother’s milk for nourishment, but after a few weeks of birth, they can eat pellets and hay.

Matthew Daviss

Explore the insightful world of rodents with our exciting articles written with expertise and passion by our rodent care specialist, Dr. Matthew Daviss.

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